Birmingham Restaurants App upgraded with content rich tabs!
By Jan Walsh
Birmingham Restaurants App has been a fun challenge. As soon as the Birmingham Restaurants App launched at Apple’s App Store and Google Play, for phones and tablets, it was an immediate success. And it has been the most popular product I have ever developed and launched.
There is nothing like a new product launch except the second version. Much like having a first child, with the first one I was anxious, hoping all would go as expected, although it never does. The app, much like my first born, was much more than I could have dreamed of. So, I wanted more. After becoming an Apple App Developer, it is now much easier to roll out new updates and new versions to the app, as well as develop others, which I have planned for two of my other businesses.
Given it was my first app, I did not know the limitations nor the potential until it launched, and I got my hands on the front end of it. So, since the launch in early July, just in time for The World Games, we have made several updates. Yet I wanted even more content living on the app and have developed some new tech just for Birmingham Restaurants App Version 2 (BR V2).
With BR App V2, the restaurant profile overview pages from the website are now also found on the app, which link to site for other pages of the profiles. Chef profiles are also on V2 as well as improved reviews, menus, calendar, and social tabs.
I developed the app and the new version just for you! It is free to the public. And it is added value to Birmingham Restaurants Members, as we celebrate our 15th Anniversary, as my way of thanking each for their support through all the years. Some have been members since we launched in 2007.
Please download at App Store or Google Play, or update if you have already downloaded for access to BR V2! Plus choose to have Announcements pushed to your phone or tablet.
BR App V2
Birmingham Restaurants App pgraded with content rich tabs!
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